Paternity Leave

Hi everyone!

I though I'd give a brief update on why there hasn't been an update in a little while.

For the past nine months my partner and I have been expecting our third child, another boy! What we did not expect was for there to be minor complications with the birth that ended in my partner having to have a C section. Now, everything turned out absolutely fine, mother and baby are fine and well :)

This does however mean that my partner is now recovering from surgery and I am currently running the house and looking after the children. This leaves me little time to work unfortunately :(

v0.11 is actually VERY near ready for release (I was maybe two days away from release when this situation happened) and will be introducing Spellcasting into the game! I plan to get as much work done as I physically can over the coming days and weeks to get this update out to you!

Thanks to everyone who plays and supports this game, seeing the analytics and knowing that you guys are playing it gives me a ton of motivation and makes me feel good!

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